The End Of The Summer That Never Was...
Posted on August 09 2023

It's nearly the end of the summer that never was but for those of you who, like me fully believe we've still got some sun to go we thought we'd show you the best of the sale...
Outfit 1
Grace & Mila Izzedine Trousers
Outfit 2
Outfit 3
The summer dresses have been absolutely beautiful this year and we only have limited sizes left of each one shown. So if you want it definitely be quick.
From L to R
And if you're lucky enough to still have a holiday to go on and you need some last minute bits then look no further...
A.Kjaebede Big Winnie Sunglasses
It's been lovely seeing so many of you over this pretend summer and fear not, the Instagram lives are coming back in September but thanks for checking in and asking about them.
Until then, keep popping on to see what's new and let's hope that this bit of sun is here to stay for a while.
Lots of love
Lou & Bex x